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The Future of Creativity

Choice Architecture: Behavior Change Marketing

Duration: 12 hours, 4 weeks, 3 hours each day

Program Fee: 1,955,000 MNT

Instructor: Mallika Shankarnarayan

Students: Maximum 40 participant per cohort

Choice Architecture – The Art & Science of Behaviour Change Marketing in early 2022 delivered by renowned Singapore-based Choice Architect Mallika Shankarnarayan, Programme Director of Miami Ad School SL & Maldives. She has over 22 years of experience in strategic leadership and helping brands master the art of having meaningful conversations.

Mallika has been the catalyst of creating behaviour change for the world’s best marketers – Procter & Gamble, Unilever, Coca-Cola, Heinz, Johnson & Johnson, Lego and Spotify. The results are Choice Architecture-inspired integrated creative solutions that often sit at the crossroads of psychology and technology.

An award-winning strategist, industry veteran, speaker at key industry events, and jurist at Cannes, Spikes and Effies – Mallika has led global and regional teams across media, creative and marketing, having worked at Publicis, WPP and IPG across markets like India, Sri Lanka, Singapore, China, Japan, Korea and ASEAN.

Designed for the times we are living in, the M.AD Behaviour Change Marketing programme inextricably interweaves deep consumer psychology with an understanding of strategy, marketing and technology combined with the latest developments in the field of behavioural economics to help understand and change people’s behaviours sustainably for brands, marketeers, government bodies and NGOs – to help them drive sustainable change at scale.

Free will can be guided.

  • If you’re working in research, marketing, sales or account management and dream of distinguishing yourself from the pack.

  • If you’re heading an NGO or working with policy change, and want to create a widespread change in behaviour.

  • If you’re interested in creating consumer experiences that engage with people ethically.

  • If you’re fascinated by human behaviour & emerging technology and want to leverage the two in ways that drive meaningful conversation.

  • If you’re a CMO, CSO, Senior Marketer or Entrepreneur -

  • then this programme will transform you!

4 modules. 4 weeks. 3 hours each. Fully online.

In 12 hours, you will understand how to best design for desired outcomes, to use heuristics to influence and impact the choices people make, and to build brand loyalty.

Behaviours are not made in a vacuum – they are both rational and irrational, and are deeply impacted not just by motivations but sometimes more importantly by the context in which people find themselves.

The triggers in their physical, social and digital environments, and the manner in which options are presented to them.

Miami Ad School has built its reputation worldwide for almost 3 decades as home to outstanding creative graduates who are ready to apply their newfound knowledge and skills from day one.

The four pillars that guide our programmes – learning, developing, expanding and performing together with unique educational concepts, realistic training by professionals and hands-on internships – provide students with experiences that create exponential impacts over their lifetimes, supported by an international network in 16 countries, including hotspots like New York, San Francisco, Berlin, Madrid and Mumbai.

Kandeban Balendran, Founder and CEO of Miami Ad School SL & Maldives is passionate about curating an ecosystem of credibility for creative thinking and disciplines.

‘We are building a school, a guiding presence and source of confidence in unconventional abilities and careers.

A place that not only educates you but also celebrates you.

We teach students that creativity is their superpower.

They can use it to build brands, start new ventures, and champion beliefs. Miami Ad School is a partnership between education and industry.

We are very excited to invite creative thinkers from Sri Lanka and around the region to come join a global community that is working tirelessly to take the power of our island’s creativity to the world.’

Pippa Seichrist, Co-Founder and CEO of Miami Ad School Worldwide is focused on bridging the gaps between theory and practical approaches to education.

‘Our approach is not a cooke-cutter programme that limits you to learning passively, but it is a chance for students to co-create and inform their own education so that it serves their talents and ambitions uniquely, in real-time. It’s a great joy to be a part of Sri Lanka’s creative future.’

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